12.04 is the worst yet

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com
Tue May 15 05:52:05 UTC 2012

On Tue, 15 May 2012 03:42:40 PM Basil Chupin wrote:
> That would be great. Not only would it give me some idea of what may 
> have grieved you but others as well who may be thinking of switching to 
> something which actually works.

Thunderbird works just fine with GMail and a Commerical IMAP server (MDaemon) 
for me on 12.04 and that's with very large (10,000+) mailboxes. The 
Thunderbird version is 12.01

I also have KMail2 working pretty well with same.

- All my filters are server side. Nothing client side at all - as it should be 
with IMAP.

- I do my folder management though the GMail interface rather than KMail or 

- I don't use the kmail email search at all.

For me, GMail contacts and calendar now work better through KMail2 than they 
do through Thunderbird/Lightening.

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