bin folder with a "check-home" file appeared in Home directory

Clay Weber clay at
Thu May 3 05:51:28 UTC 2012

On Thursday, May 03, 2012 01:51:20 AM Lucas L wrote:
> Hi, 
> I recently noticed a new folder in my Home directory, with a file named 
"check-home". File appears to be an executable but has no extension, an it is 
20,7 KiB. 
> I tried to open it with kate and, apart from the strange characters, close 
to the end of the file I could read the following lines: 
> /proc/self/exe .config/ /proc/%s/exe %d .tar CPUINFO=`cat 
/proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name'`;LSPCI=`lspci`;echo ${CPUINFO}${LSPCI} | 
sha1sum | head -c 40 check-filesystem /proc/stat btime /bin/sh /bin/busybox   UDP
>  -c /dev/urandom .local tcp udp /etc/services �             � �  � 
/etc/hosts DNSCACHEIP /etc/resolv.conf nameserver search domain 
> Does anybody know something about this file? Is it dangerous or should I 
delete it? 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Lucas

What folder has this? Some application must have created this when it was first 
run, that folder name will be the clue. I don't have such a file myself.

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