System sounds

Steve Riley stvrly at
Thu Mar 15 18:58:55 UTC 2012

On 2012-03-15 20:46:46 Georgi Kourtev <gkourtev at> wrote:
> Thanks.  I did that and I got rid off all all file:/// stuff.  But after
> running the script, I see the file:/// lines again. Is this how it should
> be? See copy below.
> grep Sound /usr/share/kde4/apps/*/*.notifyrc
> /usr/share/kde4/apps/k3b/k3b.notifyrc:Sound=file:///usr/share/sounds/KDE-K3
> B-Finish-Success.ogg
> ----END---
> gk

Yes. There should be only one "file:///" for each line.

Some weeks ago, a KDE update changed all the default .notifyrc files and the 
paths to the sound files were eliminated. I cobbled together that script on KFN 
to fix the problem -- much quicker than hand-editing each file or using the GUI.

Every once in a while, an update would revert the .notifyrc files to their 
broken state, so I'd have to run the script again.

It appears now that some, but not all, of the .notifyrc files are fixed. So 
today's update resulted in some correct paths and some incorrect paths. When I 
ran my script, the incorrect paths were fixed; the already-correct paths 
received an extra "file:///" because my script is not smart enough to check 
whether such an entry is already there :) And if you look at your prior email, 
you'll lines with two "file:///" bits.

So by following the procedure I described, all your .notifyrc files are correct 
as of right now. Who knows what'll happen with the next batch of updates. I 
guess I should make my little script a bit smarter...


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