KMail2 problems

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Mar 15 18:29:06 UTC 2012

Mark Fraser wrote:
> On Thursday 15 Mar 2012 16:57:22 Nils Kassube wrote:
> > From <>:
> > | Kmail migration fails (857828). You will need to delete your
> > | ~/.kde/share/config/kmail-migratorrc file, and run the migrator
> > | manually - kmail-migrator --interactive or skip the migration
> > | tool and reconfigure Kmail from scratch.
> I've tried that and it didn't work. I want to get rid of everything
> related to KMail2 so that it reconfigures everything when it is run
> again.

There are sooo many files related to kmail2 ...

I can't tell you exactly which files you should remove, but here are 
some pointers where the files might be: Have a look at 
"~/.kde/share/apps/". There are probably (I have only 12.04 to check) 
directories "kmail2" and "kmail-migrator". Then there are files in 
"~/.kde/share/config/" with "mail" in the name. On my 10.04 system (with 
kmail1) there are these:

emaildefaults  emailidentities  kmail.eventsrc  kmail.notifyrc  kmailrc  
kmailsnippetrc  mailtransports  specialmailcollectionsrc

Everything else you find with "mail" in the name is probably from 
kmail2. Finally there are files in "~/.local/share/" related to akonadi, 
but I don't know if they are only used for kmail2.


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