System sounds

Steve Riley stvrly at
Thu Mar 15 17:19:39 UTC 2012

On 2012-03-15 10:07:23 Georgi Kourtev <georgi at> wrote:
> > I put a quick shell script up on Kubuntu Forums that quickly fixes this. I
> > suspect it will keep breaking as more updates come out until the
> > underlying
> > bug gets fixed.
> > 
> >
> > Disappeared-after-updates-to-KDE-4-8-1
> > 
> > ...Steve
> I tried to do the script -- no sounds however...
> gk

Hm... well, I noticed today that _some_ sounds disappeared, and I ran my 
script, which fixed those sounds but broke others. Then I noticed that a recent 
batch of updates fixed the pointers for a few, so my script essentially added a 

I fixed that on my PC this morning and everything's good again. Let's take a 
look at your sound configs and see if you're having the same problem. Please 

grep Sound /usr/share/kde4/apps/*/*.notifyrc

and then copy-paste the output of that into a reply to this message. Thanks.


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