Webcam - sound

Neil Winchurst barnaby at
Tue Mar 13 08:32:29 UTC 2012

On 12/03/12 22:02, Basil Chupin wrote:
> Thanks for this.
> But the only hassle with the last para re Mint n the laptop: as I
> already mentioned in my earlier suggestions to you re getting the mic
> working is that pulse sits *ON* *TOP* of alsa - without alsa there is no
> pulseaudio. Once you get alsa working then you can use pulseaudio and
> its pavucontrol to control the audio.
> BC

Well, I am not very knowledgeable about how sound works in Linux. My
laptop made no mention of pulseaudio. When I was setting up the webcam
for Skype I went to the audio section under options and found a list of
possible inputs, stating that it was using Alsa. I chose the webcam from
the list and it just worked.

On my desktop, when trying to set up Skype sound, I found no such list
so I had to use the methods shown in the video as mentioned earlier. So
I found the sound set up for my laptop quickly and simply. For my
desktop it took three days of research to get there.

So, is it possible to use Alsa alone, without pulseaudio?

Thanks for the info,


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