5 years of support..!!??

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Mar 7 01:52:19 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, March 06, 2012 08:49:30 PM Bruce Bales did opine:

> On 03/06/2012 04:52 AM, Dale Trombley wrote:
> > Just need to add my 2 cents. I'm currently running 11.10 on 10
> > machines (also undocumented).  My wife's, her three kids (ages 17, 13,
> > 7) my moms (about 65) my dad in-law (74 I think) my kid (14)  my bro
> > (44) my niece (23 and using it in college) etc. I'm running 12.04 dev
> > on mine as my primary (I know I know lol) and they are all running
> > great and they're all very happy with it. I love the icons only task
> > manager in 12.04. And everyone else I have smooth-tasks installed. My
> > dad in-law (in his 70's) installed and admins his own Kubuntu system.
> > These aren't the 10.04 that you are complaining about but it shows I
> > think that each release improves tenfold over the other at least since
> > kde4.x was started. Perhaps an upgrade is a good call for you. 12.04
> > will be released soon and I highly recommend it to everyone.
> With all this approval and praise of 12.04, it looks like I will have to
> try it when they release it.  Especially after Jose's
> saying that kmail is usable again.    By the way, I am 79 going on 80,
> so I almost got in your spectrum.
> bruce

Humm, looks like I seem to have lost the title of eldest on this list.  
Congratulations Bruce, you give me some hope that despite my high sugar, I 
may be around to pester these fine folks a little longer.

Cheers, Gene
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