Webcam - sound

Clay Weber clay at
Sat Mar 3 00:16:21 UTC 2012

On Friday, March 02, 2012 03:52:27 PM Neil Winchurst wrote:
> I have acquired a Logitech C310 webcam. Looking around Google it is
> supposed to work 'out of the box' on Linux. Well ...
> Guvcview shows a picture. I can take a video but it won't play back. It
> saves as an .avi file but will not play. Still photos are fine.
> Cheese, shows a picture. Still photos are fine. I can take and play back
> a video but no sound. Yes, I have looked around and also made sure that
> all my microphones sliders are on in pavucontrol.
> Anyone point me in the right direction please?
> Neil

Something to check is if it is actually a software problem instead of a 
webcam/audio problem. My similar c510 (which uses the same uvc driver) works 
out of the box in Google talk, with audio, with nothing more than selecting 
the correct sound device in the google settings. Same with web clients for 
ustream and  I did have skype working  with the webcam's mic, but 
cannot remember what I had to to to get it working correctly as I don't often 
use Skype anymore, and on my phone if I do.

 guvcview in Oneiric has some bugs, even crashes, in this unsupported Universe 
I used a more up-to-date package from this ppa:
and now get sound with my video recording on my Logitech. I don't think Cheese 
does audio, nor does KDE's Kamoso.

Clay Weber 

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