5 years of support..!!??

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Fri Mar 2 15:45:28 UTC 2012

gene heskett wrote:
> On Friday, March 02, 2012 08:10:01 AM Nils Kassube did opine:
> > gene heskett wrote:
> > > I think that is an excellent question.  I have a situation using
> > > 10.04 LTS in my shop in that I cannot ssh into my cnc controller
> > > from my laptop, both running 10.04 without opening a huge
> > > security hole into my own local network when I power up the
> > > router/ap out in that outbuilding, and its entirely related to
> > > the version of wpa_supplicant that 10.04 LTS has 'frozen into'
> > > 10.04, its incapable to doing anything more secure than WEP. The
> > > rest of the world has had WPA2/AES etc abilities for nearly 2
> > > years now, but we can't get it on 10.04 LTS?
> > 
> > Maybe I don't really understand your problem, but I'm using only
> > WPA2 on my WLAN, running 10.04 on the client machines. Can you
> > point to the bug report that describes the problem?
> If you have WPA2/AES or TKIP working on 10.04, perhaps you can point
> me to a tutorial?

Actually I didn't use a tutorial but the standard tools, i.e. it works
with network-manager but I prefer wicd. Just make sure you don't have
them both installed, otherwise they seem to fight for controlling the
wireless interface ond none of them wins. So maybe it is a problem of
your wireless hardware in the client machine? Here it is working with
drivers ipw2200, ath5k, ath9k and ath9k_htc.

And there is a third option which I use also. You can set up the
wireless interface in "/etc/network/interfaces" for a fixed IP address
if you use a section like this:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static
# Configuration for WPA2 / CCMP
    wpa-driver wext
    wpa-ssid MYSSID
    wpa-ap-scan 2
    wpa-proto WPA2
    wpa-pairwise CCMP
    wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
    wpa-psk 59e0d07fa4c7741797a4e394f38a5c321e3bed51d54ad5fcbd3f84bc7415d73d
# psk from the command "wpa_passphrase MYSSID passphrase"

Of course you would replace interface name, SSID, psk and addresses
according to your network. BTW: In 12.04 all three methods work as well.

> The newest wpa_supplicant is 6.9-3, and I have been repeatedly told
> that full WPA2 support requires 7.3.

Interesting - then the question is what is missing in 6.9-3 which makes
it work here but not for you. 12.04 comes with version 0.7.3 btw.


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