5 years of support..!!??

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 22:52:38 UTC 2012

I subscribe to several RSS feeds and one of them just sent me the following:

"The Kubuntu Community is pleased to announce plans for the 12.04 LTS release of Kubuntu. As approved by the Ubuntu Technical Board on January 9th, 12.04 will be a 5-year long-term support cycle for Kubuntu"

So, 12.04 will be supported for 5 years. This is good news, really good news. So if I install 12.04 I will get updates up to 17.04? Is this correct? I don't understand this commitment although it sounds really good. 

Or does this mean that 12.04 is the final properly supported release and (for example) 13.04 will be up in the clouds withe fairies for support?

Only asking, out of inquisitiveness.


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