mouse wheel

George Dvorak gldvorak at
Thu Jun 7 17:28:09 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:25 AM, George Dvorak <gldvorak at> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Steve Riley <stvrly at> wrote:
>> On 2012-06-07 09:55:14 Michael Hirsch <mdhirsch at> wrote:
>> >
>> > I get this effect on the  "Pager" that shows the little radar map of the
>> > desktops.  Since my menu is not at the bottom of the screen, neither is
>> my
>> > pager, but the effect is the same.
>> >
>> > The scroll wheel when the mouse is over the pager changes desktops.  I
>> > never noticed this before, probably because I never use the scrollwheel
>> > there.
>> >
>> > But I haven't found a way to control this action.
>> Do you see the same desktop-switching effect if your mouse is hovering
>> _anywhere_ on the task bar, or only when hovering on the pager?
>> ...Steve
> I am running ubuntu 12.04 and have a panel with the task manager,
> adjustable clock, pager. With the mouse hovering over the pager rolling the
> wheel switches amongst my windows in order. With the mouse hovering over
> the task manager rolling the wheel switches over some windows--different
> windows depending on which item in the task manager I am over. When
> hovering over the adjustable clock it jumps left and right.
> I have other panels where rolling the mouse has no effect.
> George

Sorry! I meant to say Kubuntu--in fact it was on my screen earlier, wonder
what happened? The spell checker wants to us Ubuntu I see.

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