compiling lightdm-kde greeter

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Thu Jun 7 09:22:31 UTC 2012

On 07/06/2012 11:08, Alvin wrote:
> On 7/06/2012 10:16, O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Am on Kubuntu 11.10 and want to try out lighdm-kde greeter. Have found
>> the git and cloned it - but am stuck at how to compile, what input
>> parameters and packages are needed.
>> Anyone has a clue or I am stuck with KDM until I (again) upgrade to
>> 12.04 (not before KDE SC 4.9 is in repos).
> I have no answer to your question, but are you saying that Kubuntu 12.04
> no longer uses KDM? I couldn't find such a thing in the release notes.
> If so, why? What would be a possible reason to use another login manager?
nope am not saying that but lightdm-kde greeter is packaged in the repos 
and you can try it out if you wish to

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