mouse wheel

jonas larsson larssonjonas1 at
Tue Jun 5 08:44:12 UTC 2012

Hello Glenn - it's connected with mouse setting / mouse actions. As Steve
said, but alternative step 1 - press Alt+S with mouse pointer over the
desktop - and it'll open  desktop settings and mouse actions.

(Reading your post again, I'm not sure if you mean task manager or desktop
view widget? )



2012/6/5 Glenn Holmer <shadowm at>

> On 06/02/2012 05:03 AM, Steve Riley wrote:
>> On 2012-06-02 04:54:18 Glenn Holmer<shadowm at>  wrote:
>>> I often find that I accidentally use the mouse wheel over the task
>>> manager on the bottom of the screen and end up rapidly switching
>>> desktops. Is there a way to turn that off?
>> 1. Right-click the desktop.
>> 2. In the menu, choose "Desktop Settings."
>> 3. Click the "Mouse Actions" page.
>> 4. You should see a "Vertical Scroll" action... click the red minus at the
>> right end of this row.
>> 5. Click OK.
> I only have "Middle-Button" (paste) and "Right-Button" (Standard Menu).
> Anyway, it's only when I roll the wheel over the Task Manager. I don't see
> anything interesting in the Task Manager settings either, though.
> --
> Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
> "After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."
> --
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