12.04 installer crashes at manual partitioning

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Sun Jul 29 06:14:50 UTC 2012

On 07/29/2012 04:42 AM, Lutz Ostkamp wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install Kubuntu 12.04 on my desktop. I have set up an
> encrypted LVM with a root, swap, and separate home partition + an
> unencrypted /boot, and I have manually formatted them.
> When I start the installer, I get to manual partitioning, where I want
> to set mount points etc. When I set the settings for a partition in the
> popup window and then click OK, the installer quits and I get back to
> the live dekstop, without an error message. (like described here:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-installer/+bug/572622)
> This usually happens on the second partition I set up, the first works
> fine. It is not tied to a specific partition, because I have tried
> different orders.
> Workarounds described here did not work:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1870357
> Now, is this a known problem, and are there any workarounds? I remember
> having the same problem when I installed 11.10 on my laptop, but I got
> it to work after a few attempts there.
> Using the alternate CD is not really an option at the moment, because I
> have wiped my PC, and I can't burn another CD (unless you can burn one
> from the live system with only one CD drive?).
> Any help is appreciated!
> greets,
> Lutz

Never tried it myself with a Live CD but you could, if the software exists on the Live CD, create 
a bootable thumbdrive (like folks have to do for mini-laptops that don't have a CD drive).


nigel at prayingforisrael.net

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