Chrome Updated, Now Flash Won't Work In Firefox

Valter Mura valtermura at
Thu Jul 19 13:23:47 UTC 2012

2012/7/8 A.D. Burrows <burrowsad at>

> Thanks first of all to anybody for your kind attention.
> Last Thursday, (28/JN/2012), Google Chrome updated. Ever since then,
> Chrome will not load and Flash applications will not play in Firefox.
> (Firefox V13.0.1 is my regular browser, I only keep Chrome around in
> case Ff can't do something I need.) When I try to load Chrome, the
> mouse pointer turns into a bouncy Chrome icon, a Chrome bar appears in
> Task Manager, then the mouse pointer reverts, the bar disappears and
> no Chrome window ever opens. In Firefox, when for instance I try to
> watch a Youtube video, all I see is a black box which allows me the
> option to block that video and nothing else. I've tried playing other
> Flash apps, none of them work.
> I have Flash-Aid 2.2.3 installed in Ff. I tried using it to re-install
> Adobe Flash Player, both stable and beta versions; no joy. I tried
> using apt-get to un-install and re-install Google Chrome, (I
> accidentally installed Chromium instead and it won't play Flash apps
> either); no joy. I tried using apt-get to un-install and re-install
> the flash player, several times and in several ways; no joy. I tried
> using KPackageKit to install Gnash, (because it's easier and it was
> possible); no joy. I even tried installing KlamAV in case I took a
> virus that's affecting Flash; I'm having trouble with the installation
> writing to it's own directories, but that's a matter for another time
> and anyway I was just being thorough.
> I'm running an AMD XP-M 1900+ system with 768MB RAM and a Geforce 5500
> card, driver version 173. I'm using Kubuntu V10.04, KDE V4.4.5, core
> version 2.6.32-41-generic. I'm pretty sure everything else works.
> Please, how can I get Flash apps to work again? (Please note that I'm
> not a very advanced user, I'll probably need some hand-holding through
> this.)


have you tried to "uninstall" the flash-plugin installer and "install" the
proprietary one (you find it in the repositories)?

For me, it works (Kubuntu 12.04 updated, with PIV 2.8 / RAM 1 GB)

*Open Source is better!*
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