Kubuntu code projects

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Wed Feb 8 12:30:20 UTC 2012

On 08/02/12 23:07, Ramon Antonio Parada wrote:
> Hello,
> somebody asked me what is the difference between using Kubuntu and
> Debian and I answered that there is a very different goal. Kubuntu is
> centered in the user experience while Debian main goal isn't that. For
> that reason Kubuntu has some extras that Debian hasn't. So where can I
> find a list of Kubuntu related code projects? I think it's very
> interesting to know better about them, just for use them, do feedback,
> maybe someday contribute, etc.

A most interesting claim to make when you don't even know the answer :-D .

I hope that you can find the answer to justify your so gallant claim :-) .


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