How best to make daily routine backups from netbook to 2 external HD's?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Sun Feb 5 22:20:56 UTC 2012

*Dear Mark and Everybody Else*

> *ark and Everybody Else*
>> As the developer of TARDIS ( :) ) I can say yes it probably is. I
>> refrained from recommending it to you since it won't quite do what you want
>> because it won't back up to 2 different discs - it wasn't ever intended to
>> do that.
> As the developer of TARDIS ( :) ) I can say yes it probably is. I
> refrained from recommending it to you since it won't quite do what you want
> because it won't back up to 2 different discs - it wasn't ever intended to
> do that.

 *This is exactly the reason I hesitate about TARDIS.
On the other hand: backing up and syncing I do with one external HD at a
time only anyway.

> The basic idea of it though is probably what you need; you could use rsync
> and a couple of bash scripts to do manual incremental backups in the style
> of TARDIS, but without the automatic ageing. I'd be happy to advise if you
> like.

*In the meantime, I have been experimenting with "L*uckyBackup" - *which
has RSync and some other scripts under the hood. It works both graphically
and with command line. It is in the repo as well. More info: *

*My experiences so far can be summarised as follows.*

*I successfully managed to make a complete backup of the WHOLE home
directory to the biggest external HD: "WD Elements" , 2 Terabytes. The
strange aspect of this experience is the way in which that HD has been
formatted: NTFS. But there was not one single error report. **

*My question is: what best to do with the big external HD? Leaving it as it
is now while continuing to use it? Or is it better to reformat it into EXT4
and making a new backup afterwords?*

*With respect to the other external HD: that one is a "ADATA NH 92" of 500
GB. Although I did format that one as FAT32, more than 800 error reports
have been mentioned with respect to my attempt to backup my HOME directory
there. The error reports mainly refer to the KMAIL e-mail directories in
.kde/share. An attempt to synchronise the HOME directory at the netbook and
the NH92 ended up in a similar result. *

*On the other hand, I DID manage to successfully backup all the datafiles,
images, etc. to the NH92. Even eg. software and iso images could be
transferred without problems.* *The problem is limited to the e-mail
directory .kde/share.

*My question is: do I need to reformat the NH92? if I need EXT4 for the
backup, is it possible to leave 50 or 100 GB as FAT32 by means of

*Thanks for your replies. Respectfully yours,*

*Bas Roufs.





> Nice to see someone recommending it though :)
> Mark
> Respectfully yours,
> Bas.
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*Bas G. Roufs*
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M./SMS +31 6 446 835 10
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E. BasRoufs at
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