disk check at boot up time

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Sun Feb 5 01:47:57 UTC 2012

On 05/02/12 11:03, ray burke wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Basil Chupin<blchupin at iinet.net.au>  wrote:
>> On 05/02/12 07:33, ray burke wrote:
>>> can anyone help?
>>> I have been told to insert "sudo touch /forcefsck" in a terminal
>>> window when log into
>>> �k10.10mm so as to force
>>> a disk check at next boot time of which I have done, but every time I
>>> boot up now is does
>>> the fsck, and I only want it to do it once, so what is the command to do
>>> this?
>>> ray
>> Why are you worried about it?
>> A quick fsck is done everytime you boot to make sure that there has been no
>> corruption to your file sysem (assuming here that you have used ext3 or ext4
>> when you installed). And there is a more comprehensive fsck done after every
>> (?)20 boots of the system.
>> BC
>> --
>> A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a bath.
>> "Mum" he asked, "are these my brains?"
>> "Not yet," she replied.
>> --
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> Basil,
> I agree with every 20 or so restarts but get a little annoying when it
> happens every boot?

And why not? Mine is checked at each boot. I have my home encrypted and 
so see the messages on the screen up to the point where I am asked for 
the passphrase to enter the home directory. If you look at your 
/var/log/dmesg log you will see the same.

Don't forget that Linux is designed to be booted and allowed to run 
24/7/365/n-years so when you switch your system off at night the system 
thinks that there was a reason why it had to be "re-booted" and 
therefore does a quick check. And if you keep doing it every night for 
19 times on the 20th the system thinks, "Gosh, things ARE bad and I had 
better do a proper file system check".


A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a bath.
"Mum" he asked, "are these my brains?"
"Not yet," she replied.

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