upgrade k10.10 to k12.04 from live cd

ray burke rayburke30 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 21:05:40 UTC 2012

Nils and others,

I have Kppp installed already but would not work, but after several
reboots it is working
as I am on dial-up now in k12.04 sending this email!
At the moment I  have my other sata 500gb (4 partition) disk
disconnected, of which
one 116gb part is xp pro sp3 at address on /dev/sdb5.
it was showing with my dual booted xp pro sp3 and k10.10 in grub 1.98
address as windows NT/2000/XP (on /dev/sdb5), so how can I create a grub showing
my 2 disk with xp pro like in the grub 1.98, or can I create grub 1.98?


On 8/31/12, Nils Kassube <kassube at gmx.net> wrote:
> ray burke wrote:
>> I tied the above but not sure what commands go into it, as I want to
>> dual boot with
>> my xp pro which is at (on /dev/sdb5)?
> You must be living in down-under if you mix-up above and below. (SCNR)
> More seriously: Usually the command
> sudo update-grub
> should find your XP and add it to the grub menu. OTOH, I'm not sure if
> it would search on other disks than sda. So this is what an entry in
> "/boot/grub/grub.cfg" for sda1 should look like:
> menuentry "Microsoft Windows XP (on /dev/sda1)" {
>         set root=(hd0,1)
>         chainloader +1
> }
> I would assume that you should replace the line "set root=(hd0,1)" with
> "set root=(hd1,5)", but I have no chance to test it myself. You could
> add the menu entry to the end of the file "/etc/grub.d/40_custom". Then
> run the command
> sudo update-grub
> and reboot. Now you should see the extra entry for XP.
> Nils
>> On 8/31/12, Nils Kassube <kassube at gmx.net> wrote:
>> > ray burke wrote:
>> >> also how do I get grub to start as there is no /grub/menulst?
>> >
>> > Well, the config file of the new GRUB2 is /boot/grub/grub.cfg but
>> > you should make changes to /etc/default/grub to make it permanent
>> > and then run the command
>> >
>> > sudo update-grub
>> >
>> > in a terminal. For details about GRUB2 please have a look at
>> > <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2>.
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