upgrade k10.10 to k12.04 from live cd

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 03:48:39 UTC 2012

On 30/08/2012 22:47, ray burke wrote:
> Thanks for all the advise,
> as it looks like I will have to do a clean install of which I have
> already apptempted, but have
> found some issues in doing so, it is now sitting in 80gb which is what I wanted.
> the problem is with my dialup kppp when I run it it comes back with a
> window saying-
> "sorry plasma desktop shell"
> KDElnit could not launch 'kppp':
> could not find 'kppp' executable
> under gnome ppp canot open /dev/ttyso: permission denied?
> and can I use in a terminal 'dmesg' to see if the modem is connected?
> also how do I get grub to start as there is no /grub/menulst?

sudo apt-get install kppp
howevever kppp has "issues", should be started with "kdesudo kppp" to 
work proper so you have to edit the menus.

dmesg will normally tell you if the modem is recognised

if nothing else works install wvdial if it is not already and use that 
from command line, for me on a usb CDMA modem it still works better than 
both networkmanager and kppp. Run sudo wvdialconf first with modem 
inserted and it will search "everywhere".

as for grub see other recommendations, grub2 is a different beast 
altogether. I tend to use System Settings - Startup - Boot module to 
change my settings if/when needed


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