Chrome Updated, Now Flash Won't Work In Firefox -- SOLVED

A.D. Burrows burrowsad at
Mon Aug 27 15:28:42 UTC 2012

I'd like first to thank everybody who tried to help, Dimitris and
Basil especially. The solution was to downgrade the player, as the
same problem seems to be happening more often these days.

I followed the advice found here...
...under "2 - Downgrade Flash." I started by finding the player. It
wasn't where I'd expected it to be, it was at
/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ rather than in my
/mozilla directory, but "find" located it easily enough. I found an
older version of the player here...
...renamed the latest player "" and copied the
older player into the same directory. Presto, flash plays. I have
YouTube videos and other flash apps again. Yay! I understand that
there might be a security issue with the older player, but I can live
with that.
-- Allan

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