[12.04-64Bit]-Code::Blocks C++ IDE Does NOT Work?

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 12:44:36 UTC 2012

2012/4/26 Jesse Palser <jessepalsermailinglists at gmail.com>
> [12.04-64Bit]-Code::Blocks C++ IDE Does NOT Work?
> Hi,
> Running current Kubuntu 12.04 LTS 64Bit.
> I installed Code::Blocks C++ IDE via Software Manager.
> When I run Code::Blocks from menu
> I see dialog for default compiler and select it
> and then Code::Blocks C++ IDE dies???
> Anyone know how to fix this?
> (I am a cross-platform game designer)
> Thanks!
> Jesse

Unfortunately, I can't help with the Code::Blocks issue. However, did
you consider using Qt Creator for cross-plataform development? Even if
you do not want to use the Qt Library (which, by the way, is a great,
great library for cross-plataform development), you can use the Qt
Creator IDE to write, build and debug software using plain C++ or C++
coupled with any other library you wish. The Qt Creator IDE is great.
Take a look:

If you have not created much code using other libraries yet, I would
advise you to take a look into the Qt Library as well.


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