oneiric: progress status during boot-time fsck?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Fri Apr 13 15:37:43 UTC 2012

Nils Kassube said the following at 04/13/2012 09:01 AM :

> sudo grep -lire fsck /etc
> The relevant file is "/etc/init/mountall.conf". The fsck program isn't 
> called directly from the script but by the program /sbin/mountall and 
> that's why I suggested to change that program. I think you should 
> generate a new initrd with the command
> sudo update-initramfs -c -k $(uname -r)
> after changing the program to make it work at the next boot.

Still confused :-(

/sbin/mountall is a binary; so are you saying that I need to find the
source for mountall, figure out how to change it so that is calls fsck
differently, build it, then replace the official version?

I hope that's not what you're saying. It seems crazy to have to do all that
just to get progress information on the fsck.

But perhaps that's why when I googled I found a lot of complaints about the
loss of the progress information, but no one seemed to provide a way to get
it back.



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