Calligra office suite: first impressions.

Bas Roufs - message in English basroufs at
Fri Apr 13 13:52:08 UTC 2012

Hello Everybody

Via this mail I would like to give compliments to the developers  of the new 
KDE office suite "Calligra". Today, I installed it in Kubuntu 11.10 via the 
regular ppa backport repository. I really love it immediately! It looks like a 
very adequate toolkit for creative and artistic word processing, sheet 
calculations, presentations, etc. 

Of course, there are still a few rough edges to deal with in the further 
development of Calligra. When observing them, I will share them via this forum 
- of course, in a constructive way.

Today, I have experimented a bit with the word processor as wel as with "Brain 

In the word procesor, I found two major points of attention so far. 

I have looked for a possibility for export to .doc, .docx, pdf and other 
formats. So far, I only found a way to export to PDF: File > export to PDF.
For the other formats, I have looked under FILE > save as and FILE > export. I 
did not find it there. I will keep using LibreOffice next to Calligra until this 
essential feature will be available. 

In LibreOffice, there is a effective way to establish the 
basic styles and formatting, like the default font: FORMAT > styles and 
formatting (F11).  Is there something similar in Calligra?

With respect to "Braindump": is this meant for mind mapping? I am wondering 
whether two closely interrelated mind mapping projects also could be 
integrated somehow in the Calligra family: 
"Freeplane" (;
The combination of Freeplane, Docear, Braindump and all other Calligra 
packages could create together a very powerful mind mapping, creativity 
boosting tool box. 

Finally, I am looking for a widget for the panel: for launching all the 
Calligra applications. Another good option could be a widget for ALL the office 
applications. Now, when copying the office typing machine symbol to the panel, I  
get a duplicate of the K-launcher, however, with the typing machine symbol.

Here, my first reflection on Calligra finishes.
Respectfully yours,
Bas Roufs.
Bas G. Roufs MA
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT Utrecht
The Netherlands
E. BasRoufs at
Mob. +31 6 446 835 10
Tel. +31 30 785 40
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Open source OS: Linux Kubuntu 11.10. 
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