oneiric: progress status during boot-time fsck?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Apr 12 16:40:25 UTC 2012

D. R. Evans wrote:
> >>> How do I get the old detailed fsck progress messages that one
> >>> normally sees on most Linux distros, and we used to see on
> >>> *buntu?
> Anyone else any ideas? Surely I'm not the only one who wants to see
> these status messages so I can make an informed decision as to
> when/whether to cancel an fsck?

Well, I don't really care about the fsck progress messages myself but I 
just had a quick look at the init scripts. If I understand it correctly, 
the program /sbin/mountall needs a change to add the extra option "-C 0" 
to the fsck call. But this is only a pointer where to look, I didn't 
test anything.


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