GIMP: how to correctly and effectively install it in Kubuntu 11.04?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Wed Sep 21 23:01:57 UTC 2011

Hello everybody

In several previous versions of Kubuntu I did manage to successfully install
But now, in Kubuntu 11.04 it does not seem to work any more. I did install
Gimp and several dependencies. But whatever I try exactly, I simply do  not
manage to get the package started. When I start the programme via K-Menu,
everything stops after about one minute. When I try to open .png or .jpg
files, exactly the same happens. Does anybody have a clue how to get Gimp
started in *Ubuntu 11.04?
Respectfully yours,
Bas Roufs.

*Bas G. Roufs*
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M./SMS +31 6 446 835 10
T. +31 30 785 2040
E. BasRoufs at
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