Oneiric - usable yet?

tv.debian at tv.debian at
Mon Sep 19 08:53:54 UTC 2011

19/09/2011 10:06, Nigel Ridley wrote:
> My daughter has just bought a Samsung N150 Plus (netbook) and she wants
> me ti install Kubuntu on it.
> I don't really want to install Natty only to have to upgrade, or do a
> fresh install of Oneiric in another month.
> So my question is: How usable/stable is [Kubuntu] Oneiric at the moment?
> Nigel

Hi, please do not install a buggy development system as the first
experience your daughter will have with Linux/Kubuntu, it's a too common
mistake which has disastrous effects on the credibility of our beloved
system(s). Of course if she's a geek or computer science students this
may not apply, but otherwise run away from alpha/beta software.
Go with something stable and trusty, an upgrade or even a clean install
when oneiric is out won't be such a burden if you plan carefully. And
you don't have to do it right away, wait a bit after the release.
Partition separating user data from system, and/or backup user data and
modified configuration files, save list of installed applications, and
it won't take time at all.

If you encounter configuration problems here are some interesting
resources for Samsung's note/netbooks:

The later is directed to n145 model, but I used it has an inspiration to
hammer out the few glitches of a NF210 install.

Have fun, and congratulate your daughter for her good taste regarding
Operating systems !

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