Clicking on link in kmail opens WineBrowser?

Chris Luck chris at
Sat Sep 10 15:08:32 UTC 2011

Dave Thacker wrote:
> I installed wine last week.  Since then, when I click on a link in
> kontact,  I open a winebrowser,  in fact, I open dozens of
> winebrowswers and have to restart the machine.   Where can I change
> the behavior when I click on a link?

I got over this by clearing out all the references to winebrowser in
the System Settings->File Associations.  You will find quite a number of
references there, where there is more than one browser available it is
set to the top of the list thereby taking priority.  If you wish to
retain the option of opening winebrowser from the context menu in
Dolphin you can simply move it down the list.  I preferred to delete all

Killing the multiple-spawning browser-from-hell got to be quite a game
for me.  It was a race to open System Monitor before winebrowser killed
the system.  Once opened go to the Process Table tab and sort on name
ascending ('W' at top), select 'wineserver' then right-click to kill.
It all calms down after that.

I don't know why Wine presumes to take priority - without asking as far
as I can recall - when it comes to setting the default browser.

Chris Luck

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