Considerations for Kubuntu 11.10 and Kmail2

Clay Weber clay at
Sat Oct 15 23:00:25 UTC 2011

On Saturday, October 15, 2011 11:57:20 PM Valter Mura wrote:
> In data gioved� 13 ottobre 2011 10:31:32, Scott Kitterman ha scritto:
> > I consider Kmail2/Akonadi to be a disaster in 4.7.  I know it is working
> > for some people, but there are a LOT of people having a lot of
> > problems. Personally, I had sort of assumed that since this is the
> > second major release for Kmail2, it would be generally usable.
Many assumed as much

> I consider Kmail2/Akonadi an "half" disaster.
> My considerations follow:
> - I finally update my system to 11.10
> - When I started Kmail, the Migrator started but failed. So I follow the
> procedure explained in the Kubuntu site and kmail started the migration.
> - I had to insert all account password again and to reload/refresh all the
> mail folders contained in my system. The process took almost one day,
> trapping my poor processor into a 100% busy state, for which I feared after
> that it would be surely dead.
> - I lost all my (few) filters and I'm trying to rebuild them.

The migrator doesn't tranfser filters at all, iirc.
> - My spam is not automatically transferred to my spam folder, I restart the
> spam configuration wizard.
Known bug,
> - Kmail2 seems, in its wholeness, slower and heavier than before.
> - I haven't lost any mail.
> My opinion is that this kind of upgrade is not suitable for production
> machines, nor for newbies, whom can be discouraged to use the KDE
> environment.
They may wish to hold off perhaps until 12.04 (lts)

> As I have an old machine, I installed the kuuntu-low-fat-settings, but I
> haven't understood well: do the settings apply automatically, or do I have
> to search for them manually?
You will see the visual results and the reduced ram usage next time you reboot 
:) It isn't so pretty (to me) but I can still use 11.10 on my meager ancient 
laptop :)


> Ciao

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