NRO slideshows

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at
Sat Oct 1 20:41:00 UTC 2011

I'm running 64bit Kubuntu 11.04 with Firefox updated to 7.01.

With Firefox, when I go to and scroll down to 
one of their "Slideshows" there is no way to see more than the first slide.  
The caption says to "Scroll forward for a selection..." but there is nothing 
to scroll.

When I do the same thing in Konqueror, there is a bar across the bottom of the 
slide with a left arrow and a right arrow on the ends.  Clicking on either 
arrow does nothing.

When I do the same thing in Rekonq, there is a bar across the bottom of the 
slide with a left arrow and a right arrow on the ends.  Clicking on the right 
arrow advances to the next slide and clicking on the left arrow backs up to 
the previous slide.

If I go to my 32bit laptop running Windows Vista and Firefox 7.01, the 
scrolling works.

Anyone know why the difference?

Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at
"Too many people -- some of them judges -- seem to think that
freedom of speech means freedom from consequences for what you have
said. If you believe that, try insulting your boss when you go to work
tomorrow. Better yet, try insulting your spouse before going to bed
tonight." --Thomas Sowell

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