Ubuntu Friendly programme and Kubuntu

Daniel Manrique daniel.manrique at canonical.com
Wed Nov 30 21:43:27 UTC 2011

Hello dear Kubuntuers!

I'm sure most of you are aware of the Ubuntu Friendly community hardware testing
programme that's currently being piloted. The idea is for members of the
community to run a quick test on how well their systems work with Ubuntu, and
submit this information to a website where data is aggregated and a useful
"friendliness" rating is generated for each model. This information is useful,
for instance, in determining which systems work well with Ubuntu, and whether a
particular hardware component is likely to work or give trouble.

The beta version of the website can be seen here:


The website contains instructions on how to run the test client and submit
results; the test client is included in Ubuntu by default.

Our efforts have mainly been focused on Ubuntu, so while we have done some work
to enable Kubuntu users to run the tests (install checkbox-gtk and
gstreamer0.10-gconf), we are not too sure on how real Kubuntu users perceive the
whole Ubuntu Friendly experience: from client installation to running the test
suite, to submitting results and querying the webpage.

Thus we'd like to request your valuable help in ensuring that Ubuntu Friendly is
equally comfortable for Kubuntu users.

If you're interested in helping, we'd very much appreciate if you could join the
Ubuntu Friendly Squad (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-friendly-squad, the link to
subscribe to the mailing list is at the bottom) and share your experiences using
Ubuntu Friendly with us. We'd also be quite grateful if you could help us test
any enhancements that may stem from testing done by Kubuntu users.

If you have any questions feel free to either ask on the Ubuntu Friendly mailing
list or email me directly.

Thanks for your help making this programme useful for more people, we hope to
hear from you soon!

- Daniel

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