digital clock widget shows time only in 24 hours format

Juan R. de Silva juan.r.d.silva at
Tue Nov 29 02:37:09 UTC 2011

On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:12:51 -0500, Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 02:01:22 AM Juan R. de Silva wrote:
>> Oh boy, I've just noticed that Dolphin does not respect the 12 hours
>> format either.  So it is not only clock widgets.  It is system wide
>> problem.  This is really annoying.
> If that's your only problem,  I'll trade you machines.....  :-(

Well, my login screen right now greeted me with Monday, Nov.23, 06:29PM 
time. Dolphin shows 2011-11-28 18:30 for a file created just now. My 
clock widgets displayed (until workaround found) Mon., Nov. 23, 18:29.

Coming from GNOME2 I've just not used to this yet. :-) And then it's 
really boring being forced to think in 2 different time formats at the 
same time.

And, no offence to Kubuntu, I've just checked Dolphin with Majeia and 
openSUSE they do not suffer from this. 

If it is a bug I probably need to report it. But I'll take some more time 
to look into it first.

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