alt-F2 too wide

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Sat Nov 26 17:54:44 UTC 2011

On Saturday, November 26, 2011 11:18:42 AM Glenn Holmer wrote:
> On 11/26/2011 10:38 AM, Paul Kaplan wrote:
> > Can you find a config file for krunner and edit manually?
> Edited ~/.kde/share/config/krunnerrc and changed this:
> [Interface]
> Size=1920,42
> to this:
> [Interface]
> Size=800,42
> but I'd dearly love to know how it got that way.

I have a similar problem with konsole screens.  They always open at  420 x 
1080   which makes them as tall as my screen.   I can change their size with 
the cursor and have set the "save size when closing" box  but they always open 
to the same large size.

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