11.10 virtuoso-t problem
theuteck at gmail.com
theuteck at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 16:56:33 UTC 2011
I removed the virtoso and nepomuk stuff since it was doing that to me as well.
I don't want or need the service it offers and by slowing my system down it
just annoyed me, otherwise I would not have bothered with the hassle of
removing it.
Now I get some errors when I start up or resume about nepomuk indexing, but I
can ignore the them. My systems runs just fine without it.
On Thursday, November 24, 2011 03:10:56 PM O. Sinclair wrote:
> On 24/11/11 14:17, Mark Greenwood wrote:
> > On 24 Nov 2011, at 12:02, O. Sinclair wrote:
> >> Right,
> >>
> >> some time after a boot/login and ALWAYS when I start using
> >> Kontact/KDEPIM 4.7 the "virtuoso-t" process start eating CPU. It
> >> hovers between 40% and 50% basically, my CPU temp shoots up and fans
> >> start working like mad.
> >>
> >> This is strigi/nepomuk related as it does not happen if I switch off
> >> desktop search and semantic desktop.>
> > Have you tried just leaving it for quite some time to see if it stops?
> > If you have lots of emails it might just be doing an initial scan or
> > indexing or something. Heaven only knows what… virtuoso-t is the
> > database backend I think.>
> >> anyone else seeing this, anyone knows how to cure it?
> >
> > Not seeing it with KMail, but I was seeing it in various other
> > situations (like when I plug in a removable hard drive, which it's
> > supposed to ignore but doesn't).
> >
> > There is a setting somewhere to increase the memory available to it.
> > This helped a little, but not very much. Akonadi is what drove me away
> > from KDE in the end. It's a great concept but doesn't appear to have
> > been properly thought through.
> >
> > My way to cure it? I bought a Mac. Never looked back. Still use KDE for
> > some things, but I won't go back to it for day-to-day use.
> I have left in on over night... and it is now on day 3 or so of useage
> since upgrade.
> I have put up memory for nepomuk/strigi to no avail whatsoever.
> And your solution is not on my agenda :-)
> Sinclair
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