Firefox 3.6

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Nov 14 20:35:08 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, November 15, 2011 07:12:29 AM Steve Morris wrote:
> On 15/11/11 06:26, ray burke wrote:
> >   Eberhard Roloff,
> >
> > so just type in a terminal "sudo /opt/firefox/firefox", and then that
> > will auto update my firefox to
> > current release?
> Not specifically. That will run firefox as root, which will then allow 
> the update process you still need to select from the menus to actually 
> function. This method is required because /opt/firefox, in the above 
> scenario, is owned by root. An alternative to this is to change the 
> group ownership on /opt/firefox and all subdirectories and files from 
> root to some other group that exists, then add write privileges to the 
> group attributes for everything under the /opt/firefox tree, then add 
> the group to your userid, which will then give your id the necessary 
> privileges to then be able to run firefox without the requirement for 
> sudo to update firefox. This is the process I am using for firefox 8 in 
> another distribution.
> regards,
> Steve

Or just:

sudo   chown -R user.user  /opt/firefox/

where user.user  is the username to run firefox...       ray.ray ??

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