computer slowing greatly

Ronnie Tucker ronnie at
Sun Jul 17 22:35:55 UTC 2011

On 17/07/11 23:27, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday, July 17, 2011, Ronnie Tucker wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Is there a way to see what was last running and possibly screwing up my
>> last KDE session before the last power down?
> Any idea whether there is a lot of disk i/o going on???   As in paging?
> Do a 'free'  command and check out the status of your swap area.

Everything is dandy until that 2fps thing happens. And at that point 
it's too late, I can't enter any commands or do any key presses  :(

I was kinda hoping that there'd be a log somewhere that I could look at 
to see what was going haywire when the system went down. But, having 
said that, the system has to do down with a wallop (power down) as I 
can't log out or do a reboot.

I have a sneaky suspicion that it's LibreOffice. A couple of times (not 
all the times though) it's been loaded when it went wonky...

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