Problem on updating to KDE 6.0

Clay Weber claydoh at
Mon Jan 31 15:20:52 UTC 2011

On Monday, January 31, 2011 08:44:18 AM Nils Kassube wrote:
> Clay Weber wrote:
> >
> > has quick instructions on fixing it without needing to install an
> > whole extra desktop.
> Thanks Clay, I didn't google myself but expected that the OP had done
> that without success. As there was no reply here, I just wrote up how I
> would circumvent the problem, which is not necessarily the most
> efficient solution. ;)
> Nils
options are always good :)
btw I didn't google the solution, as a mod on Kubuntuforums, I tend to see 
more posts from there, and it was a very recent one to  boot :)

Actually there is even another way to fix this:
From grub, select recovery mode, then at the prompt select 'resume normal 
boot' or whatever it is labeled, which actually will boot you to a command 
prompt login (bypassing KDM). login with your username and password, and then 
enter 'startx' which will start kde manually. Then you can go into System 
Settings and adjust/fix the Login Screen settings

When you log out, however, you will be back at the command prompt. So to 
restart KDM properly without having to reboot, you will have to enter:
$ sudo service kdm start  (or restart perhaps if it says kdm is already 

Clay Weber 

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