Kernel update broke Nvidia

Goh Lip g.lip at
Mon Jan 31 05:18:55 UTC 2011

On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:06:48 +0800, R. John Savage Jr.  
<rsavagejr at> wrote:

> Is this the exact command "sudo apt-get remove --purge 2.6.32-28-*"  and  
> is it correct ?
> ThanksJohn S.

Yes, it is.
But to add, Alan has a good suggestion earlier if you want to follow, that  

Before removing a kernel, I'd purge the nvidia driver , reboot into a  
command line,
install nvida-current, then reboot into the usual graphical interface and  
see if
that fixes it.  I've never had much luck messing with the kernel but then  
I haven't
had to do that in quite a while.
<unquote> a command prompt

sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-common
sudo apt-get install nvidia-common

but please check if you have nvidia-common or nvidia-current installed and  
use the right one.

Also it may also work if you put in "nomodeset" at the linux line of the  
grub entry and boot-up. This will take you to a non-driver setting (vesa)  
and you can then install the nvidia-current or nvidia-common.

But if these appear too daunting, then you just go back to the old kernel.

Good luck - Goh Lip

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