Where can I find openclipart-libreoffice package for Lucid?

Alan Dacey Sr. grokit at ajinfosearch.com
Sat Jan 29 23:10:53 UTC 2011

On Friday, January 28, 2011 04:55:47 am Mirto Silvio Busico wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have Lucid 64bit and I have installed the libreoffice PPA.
> I was no able to find/install the openclipart-libreoffice package.
> Altough it is in the suggested packages in the libreoffice package.
> Have I to add other PPA?
> Any help is greately appreciated.
> Thanks
>     Mirto Busico

Installing the openclipart package from the repositories gets a lot of 
clipart that you can add as files from /usr/share/openclipart/.  I haven't 
figured out how to get it to appear in the galary with all the others yet.
I'm going to look at the danger signs libre office plugin and see if I can 
devine what that uses to get itself in the gallery.


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