Update Locks Package Handling

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Wed Jan 19 19:00:32 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, January 19, 2011, Waleed Hamra wrote:
> > Thank you. I didn't see anything that didn't look like it should be
> > running. I'm far from any sort of expert but I didn't see anything like
> > a package handler running. Well, it was an idea.
> >
> > 
> htop might be easier. as long as you can install something :\
> you can see the processes in a tree, branching from one another, then
> you can look for apt-get, and follow its tree to find the process
> hanging on grub, and kill it from within htop.

If you really think there is a process running that is preventing you from 
updating, then a reboot should kill it.

I think it must be something else....

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