single user mode

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Jan 7 14:43:14 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 6:40 AM, Brian Wootton <Brian.Meg at> wrote:
> Before I tear my remaining hair(s) out, does anybody know how to get
> kubuntu 10.04 LTS into single user mode?
>  telinit 1 don't work, init 1 don't work and I've pretty well pushed the
> shift keys out the bottom of the keyboard during a reboot, that don't work.
>  Googling for 'single user mode' and 'telinit 1' tells me that others have
> experienced this problem but none of their solutions work for me.

Have you tried esc?

Or a combination of shift and esc?

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