External drives

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Mon Feb 21 02:28:35 UTC 2011

On Sunday, February 20, 2011, Clay Weber wrote:
> Yes, any of them should work just wine. Though some may come with windows-
> based backup helper software installed, they amount to really, really big 
> thumb drives as far as Kubuntu is concerned :) They probably are all
> formatted  in FAT32 so it is just a  matter of plugging it in and having
> it show in the device notifier

Not so much on the thumb drives.....

I have a $20 'gizmo' made by Rosewill which is an HDD docking station.

You slip any old SATA drive into to (I had a 320GB spare) and then plug it 
into a USB port and you have an external drive.  Format it any way you 
want.....  Works fine for backup.


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