Install Win98 on /dev/sda4

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at
Mon Feb 21 00:27:24 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, February 16, 2011 08:55:09 am Reinhold Rumberger wrote:

> > > When I booted from the Win98 install disk it said DriveC wasn't the
> > > right format and wouldn't let me install without formatting it.  How
> > > can I point it to /dev/sda4?
> I'm pretty sure it can't be done easily. Win9x wants to be installed to
> sda1.  You can try to use grub to swap sda1 and sda4 (basically so that
> Win98 sees sda4 as sda1). However, that needs to be done for the install
> CD, too, and I don't know how to do that.

Does the Win98 install CD use the existing partition table in the master boot 
record?  Would it use the first entry there as Drive C?  If so, swappng the 
bytes from the fourth entry and those from the first entry ought to do it, 

Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at
"This wine is bad," said Tom acidly.

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