Permissions problems are being a huge PIMA

gene heskett gheskett at
Tue Feb 1 01:39:56 UTC 2011

On Monday, January 31, 2011 08:37:34 pm Bruce Marshall did opine:

> On Monday, January 31, 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> > Its a bad habit that I've been catching hell about on various lists
> > since about RH5.1 IIRC.  And I'm gradually getting away from it. 
> > Typu's can't do  near as much damage if one is a normal user.  The
> > debian derivatives will do everything but pee on your shoes to
> > discourage it.
> Yeh, I know the "permissions police" will beat you with a stick, but I
> prefer to do things my way.....
> The first thing I do when installing a *buntu release is to provide root
> with a password.

Sudo -i works for me.  I did that to the original install, then tried to 
change the root password, and had to re-install, losing about 6 months 
worth of g-code I had written because I had no backups.  But I do now, I 
have amanda doing a level0 on /home every night.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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