One more question...

gene heskett gheskett at
Mon Aug 29 23:44:20 UTC 2011

Greetings all;

How, or what utility do I install, to shut the touchpad in that lappy 
completely off?

I run a radio mouse on it, 100%  of the time.

2-4 years ago, mandi had a utilty they called synaptik that did that, but 
it has apparently either been renamed, or incorporated into some other 
utility whose name I have not stumbled over yet.

Also, back to the ndiswrapper thing, I found that if I do a fresh install 
of 1.56, then nuke the ubuntu installed version in lib/modules, then a 
"depmod -a `uname -r`", that it seems to work in the Makefiles default 
location.  I also nuked the 2.6.32-34 kernel, but had to do it by hand as I 
could not find it in synaptic.  The headers, yes, the kernel itself, no.

Making progress though, my mail sucker script ran successfully earlier 
today.  Whoopee, BWG etc.

Thanks all, Cheers, gene
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