Silly Q of the day

gene heskett gheskett at
Thu Aug 18 01:27:06 UTC 2011

On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 09:14:48 PM José Queiroz did opine:

> 2011/8/17 gene heskett <gheskett at>
> > Where can I find instructions on how to add the launchpad repo to my
> > 10.04 synaptic, it has ndiswrapper-1.56, where the 10.04 LTS offering
> > is 1.54 & way too old.
> Did you tried to look in "updates", "backports" and/or "proposed"
> sub-repos from Lucid?

Yup, taint there.  I built it from the tarball, but there seem to be 
problems with it, ndisgtk has its apply button ghosted, like maybe NM has a 
lock on it now?  I discovered a radio icon at the top of the screen and it 
seems to be able to manipulate this radio somewhat, but not enough to make 
it work.

I temporarily have a second network set up at the routers base 
address so I can access the lan side and play with its settings, but so 
far, the security is working perfectly, it will not even attempt to make a 
connection even with WPS & a nice long 63 char passphrase. :)

No connect even if I set both ends to none and unplug the eth0 cable 
forcing NM to look for the wireless.  Tomorrow I may try to disable the 
lappy's built in bcm4318 card & see if that makes any diff.

But its getting late, so I shut both of the computers involved off for the 
night.  I have about 13 hours in this so far.

Thanks Jose

Cheers, gene
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