how can I change display resolution permanently?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Aug 1 05:20:22 UTC 2011

Jarry wrote:
> this must be some stupid mistake I'm doing, but I can not
> change screen resolution permanently and I do not know why.

I suppose it isn't your mistake - it was the same problem hereā€¦

> I opened "System Settings" -> "Display and Monitor" ->
> "Size & Orientation", under "Size" I picked up "1280x960",
> then "Apply" and "Accept configuration" to get screen
> resolution I whish. Then "Save as Default" and finally I get
> message "Configuration has been set as the desktop default".
> But whenever I restart kubuntu, my desktop has again just
> 1024x768. WHY?

Well, I can't tell you _why_ either, but sometimes the system doesn't 
remember the wanted setting. To resolve this, I added the appropriate 
xrandr command to a KDM config file. First we have to find out the 
command you need. Start konsole and enter the command "xrandr". The 
output should have a line like this:

LVDS1 connected 1280x960+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

The important part is the first word which designates the output name, 
which is "LVDS1" for my laptop (we already know the wanted mode). Now 
use the command

kdesudo kate /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup

to edit the config file and put the line

/usr/bin/xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1280x960

before the last line of the file. And if the xrandr command showed a 
different output name, replace the "LVDS1" with the correct name for 
your machine.


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