Hello Everybody

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kubuntu.org
Sun Apr 3 12:43:44 UTC 2011

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 04:38,  <christer_wickman at telia.com> wrote:
> Hello Everybody
> I would like to know and ask for help. I have plans to buy a smartphone which is called Huawei U8150. Now to my question. Can one use KUbuntu 10.10 to control it and move mp3 in to it? And move pictures which one takes with it's camera? Because I would like to know. I have a sonyericsson xperia x10mini and have to say I hate sonyericsson because they just gave up on it. It uses Android 2.1 and will never get any newer Android because sonyericsson has decide that. That is why I want to buy a new one. The new one has Android 2.2 and is better then the one I have now. But I just would like to know if one can move pictures and music to and from it to my KUbuntu 10.10 computer? Hope someone knows this and hope you can help me.

If you really want to invest in a recent smartphone using Android, you
should buy an HTC Nexus S. It runs Android 2.3.3 and will get regular
updates for that version as well.

I have the previous version aka HTC Desire which is identical in build
to the Nexus one.

So far I am very happy with it, especially since I rooted the phone
and installed Android 2.3.3 through the GingerVilain builds and I can
now run it as what it is, a Linux computer, not just a dumbed-down HTC
phone :)

Regards, Myriam
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