OpenOffice is really slow when saving a file

Alan Dacey grokit at
Sun Sep 26 15:21:03 UTC 2010

On Saturday, September 25, 2010 02:29:58 am Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 25/09/2010 13:54, Alan Dacey wrote:
> > Does anybody else have a problem with OpenOffice where it takes a couple of
> > seconds for it to do anything after each mouse click when saving a file?  When
> > I save a file in Writer the save dialog comes up but is not entirely drawn for a
> > few moments.  Then when I change to a folder another few seconds.  Then when
> > I click on a file with a similar name to what I want, another few seconds.  Using
> > KDE 4.5.1 on Kubuntu 10.04 and OpenOffice 3.2 from the repros.
> > I also am using the latest Nvidia driver from Nvidia, 256.53, and all the eye candy
> > Kwin has to offer.  It still happens when I turn it off so that is not the problem.
> >
> > Alan
> >    
> You know, this may be a complete piece of nonsense.....but are you using 
> an optical wireless USB mouse which doesn't display any sign if the 
> batteries are "dead"?
> While I have never had the problem you describe above with OpenOffice, 
> yesterday I was working on another computer when apps took many seconds 
> to respond - never happened before. I got a bit aggro about all this and 
> sit the mouse on the desk - the mouse pointer disappeared. I looked at 
> the botom of the mouse - and there was no indication that the mouse was 
> "detecting" anything. Replaced the batteries...and everything went back 
> to normal! :-) .
> As I stated, a silly notion, but.....?
> BC

Not the mouse, it's the program or the graphics, I think.  


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