Identifying process using network?

Paul Lemmons paul at
Thu Sep 23 21:51:24 UTC 2010

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re: Identifying process using network?
From: Ric Moore <wayward4now at>
To: Kubuntu user technical support <kubuntu-users at>
Date: 09/23/2010 01:34 PM

> On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 10:45 -0600, D. R. Evans wrote:
>> Wes Hardin said the following at 09/23/2010 10:38 AM :
>>>> How can I determine which process is using the network interface to send so
>>>> much traffic?
>>> I think I would recommend a combination of iftop and netstat.  Iftop can give
>>> you the amount of traffic (T to toggle cumulative) and its source and
>>> destination.  Armed with that, you can use netstat with the -p option to put
>>> that with a PID.
>> Excellent. Thank you.
> I'm impressed! I just installed iftop and have it working away...
> thanks. Ric

lsof is also an excellent tool for determining who is using what resources.

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